1. Service Description
- 1.1 SPIN THE WHEEL (LUCKY7) mobile lottery service offers entrants the opportunity to win lot of cash prizes through a spinning virtual raffle draw system that will randomly select winners every week.
- 1.2 An SMS based subscription service where 7 lucky winners will be selected on a weekly basis
2. How To Become a Lucky 7
- 2.1 To qualify, Participant must own a mobile SIM card and the participant will be required to send an SMS with a keyword (LOTD or LOTW) to the short code 54474
- 2.2 Additional requests for extra tickets can be added by participant from time to time during the lottery duration to increase their chances of winning by sending LODD to 54474
- 2.3 To confirm the willingness to play, participant will click on ACCEPT (auto-renewal) on Double Confirmation Message.
- 2.4 The participant receives a message with his/her raffle ticket that states they have entered the draw for the weekly raffle draw
- 2.5 The ticket number will be same as the participant phone number and the more ticket they buy the more their chances of winning.
- E.g. If a subscriber buys 10 raffle tickets that means their number will appear 10 times on the draw pull.
3. Subscription Charges
- 3.1 The service have daily tickets and weekly tickets.
- Daily 30 naira and weekly 100 naira.
- Weekly will receive 5 tickets and daily one ticket.
4. Winners Prizes
- 4.1 Lucky 7 will have weekly winners and monthly grand prize winners
- Weekly winners prize will be 50,000 for 7 subscribers
- Monthly grand prize of 500,000 thousand for 1 lucky winners.
5. Cancellation
- 5.1 Participants will be able to cancel their subscription at any time during the duration of the lottery by sending an SMS with the keyword STOP to the short code 54474.
- 5.2 Participants who canceled their subscription can re-subscribe at any time during by sending the keyword(s) as stated above to the short code (54474),
6. Who Can Play
- 6.1. Participant must have sent a valid keyword to our dedicated short code and charged for the service
- 6.2 Participant must be 18 years of age or
- 6.3 Participant must be a resident of Nigeria
- 6.4 The lottery is open to residents of Nigeria with a SIM card
- 6.5 Participant must comply with these terms and conditions and any other rules of the Lottery service
7. Winner selection.
- 7.1 Participant of the Spin the Wheel (Lucky7) will have a chance to win a cash prize, a total of 7 draws every week and the organizer will give a spin at every draw and if the spinner stops spinning and land on ant number automatically wins the draw.
- 7.2 The winner of the draw shall be contacted on the same mobile number used to participate by organizer that he/she has won and they should provide their mode of payment to receive their cash prized or the prize shall be presented directly to the winner in person
- 7.3 The Organizer will attempt to contact the winner at least 3 times a day over a period of 3 days, between the hours of 9am and 8pm. If the winner cannot be contacted during the period then automatically goes to the runner up
- 7.4 The winner will be required to provide proof of eligibility and sign a prize acceptance form (as requested by the Organizer) before prizes will be collected